Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Week 8: looking back: reflections

Alright so I gotta admit that I think this class is really cool and has worked really well for my schedule and has also helped push me to write way more than I normally get to during school.  It's been really nice to read everyones projects and really get to see what people are interested in, because you can always tell how a person is by what they write about!
One of my favorite projects that I've seen here lately is Claire's project "Hello, When am I?".  I think it's a great story and for me it really piqued my interest with the whole time travel, wormhole to another time bit that she throws in there.  I think it's a great way to get the reader interested and fits with the growing popularity of such shows now a days!  So thank you Claire for a great read!

Overall I think what I've noticed the most through the stories of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the inequalities between men and women. I know it's sort of a broken record, but women really had no choice!  Sita enveloped herself in the Earth when her husband doubted her for her loyalty to him and Draupadi married five brothers and had children by all of them, how confusing!  I can't imagine what life was really like when these epics came into existence!

So I generally work on my homework for this class every day when I get home from work and my other classes and that's hard because number one, I don't have any days off to myself, and second it's really hard to work on a class everyday! I get off at six every day and that means I really only have about four good hours to work with, plus cook supper, plus interact with my boyfriend! It's crazy. but I do it to myself!

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